
Pump and water filtration specialists for all your water treatment and filtration needs.

We are pump and water filtration specialists. From purified drinking water to the filtering of effluent at the dairy shed, New Zealand Electrical & Pumps Ltd will ensure you have the right filtration system for your needs.

Water treatment systems should be designed specifically for your site and water environment. We provide a comprehensive water-quality service - design, installation, servicing and offer full lab-testing procedures.

Water filtration for drinking water, swimming pool, sewage and effluent, New Zealand Electrical & Pumps Ltd does it all. We have the expertise to ensure you have the right water filtration system in your home, farm or business.

For more than 20 years, we have been involved in a wide variety of civil infrastructure projects for local councils and private developments throughout New Zealand. Find out more here.

With the introduction of the Taumata Arowai legislation, ensuring your water is safe and drinkable will soon be a legal requirement!

It's important that you receive the correct water treatment system for your individual needs and we are experts in providing:

  • UV filtration and treatment systems for safe drinking water

  • Filtration and pumping packages for residential, rural and farming

  • Microlene water filters - installation and renewal

  • Water filtration services for troughs and the filtering of effluent in dairy sheds, pH correction, calcium build-up and corrosion reduction, iron and manganese removal

  • Water meter supply and installation

  • Fabrication of pipe work and all associated electrical control and installation work

  • New wastewater fit outs, refurbishments and electrical control installations

  • Filtration servicing and part supply for a wide range of quality brands like Crystal Pure and Sterilight

We use highly respected suppliers: Microlene, Steriflo, Filterpure, Kinetico, Pulsafeeder, Aquasafe, Aquashield Centurion

We are proud to be a Premium Master Dealer of Davey's Microlene Farm systems. The Davey Microlene Farm System is a self-contained unit providing healthy water through filtration, purification and disinfection.

The Davey Microlene Farm system can improve your farm's productivity whether the source is groundwater, rivers, streams, dams or bores.